Message from MothersArms
Hello Friends of Mothers Arms:
As you all know, mass media is a great way to communicate the Mothers Arms
message. The more women and families we can expose to the idea of personal
responsibility for keeping themselves and family safe, the more likely we
can affect a positive social change.
Since Mothers Arms does not have an advertising budget, one way to garner
publicity is for me to be a guest on local talk shows. If you have a
moment, I could use your help in compiling a list of conservative talk radio
shows across the nation. Would you please tell me the stations you would
like for me to be on as a talk show guest and provide call letters, position
on the dial, phone and fax number if available. Thank you.
Arizona Residents Note:
Mothers Arms Founder teaches Refuse to Be a Victim? seminar at Paradise
Valley REI Store
Alicia Wadas, founder and president of Mothers Arms, will teach a Refuse to
Be a Victim? workshop at the Paradise Valley REI store on February 24. The
three-hour educational seminar, geared toward awareness and prevention of
criminal confrontations, begins at 10 a.m. and lasts until 2 p.m. A lunch
break and optional meal will be offered.
The Refuse to Be a Victim? workshop offers participants an opportunity to
explore how the information presented can be integrated into the individual’
s personal lifestyle. Topics will include home, automobile and personal
safety. Those partaking in the workshop will learn how to minimize their
chances against violence and how to defend themselves against criminal
attack through awareness and common sense. Wadas will demonstrate to
participants how to protect themselves with everyday household items like
flashlights and their family dog.
As founder and president of Mothers Arms, a nationwide non-profit
organization that helps today’s woman learn how to protect and defend
herself and her family from human assault, Wadas will utilize her extensive
background in self-defense education to conduct the workshop. She is a
certified instructor of self-defense disciplines, including personal
protection, basic firearm education and Refuse to Be a Victim?, a course
designed to teach awareness and non-lethal methods of self-defense. Wadas
is a sought after speaker and regularly makes appearances on national
network news and local TV and radio stations.
“Statistically, three out of four women will have a crime committed against
them in their lifetime,” said Wadas. “Every woman should be made aware of
her surroundings and be capable and knowledgeable of protecting herself.”
Participants are encouraged to register early due to limited space
available. Seminar fees are $25 prior to February 24, and $30 at the door.
Lunch is optional ($9) or bring your own. The registration fee covers the
three-hour course and a personal workbook. To register call 602-493-1348.