Third world…
I think you’d better check the perspectives involved here. I live in the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. From where I sit they are all third world countries! If your country is such a paradise my advice is to be quiet about it…you’ll encourage all those people who are trying to migrate there! Oh? No huge influx of migrants? I wonder why?
Although perhaps we can get Alec Baldwin to move there…
>>>Now it may have escaped your attention but George Harrison’s assailant used a knife. A knife, not a gun. Why? Because it’s pretty hard to get a gun in the UK. If he’d had a gun then George would be dead, but fortunately he didn’t have any ready access to one. Something you really should think about. No guns means no gun crime.<<<
I believe I did say that Harrison was stabbed so it didn’t really escape my attention. What has obviously escaped your attention is the inverse: No, the assailant didn’t have a gun, therefore he was only able to stab Mr. Harrison, putting him in the hospital and thankfully not killing him-however Mr. Harrison didn’t have a gun either-so he was oblidged to participate in a physical confrontation that resulted in being stabbed. Had he been armed in his home with a firearm he could have defended himself without having been injured. I’m sure that at the moment that he was being carved like a turkey he could “Imagine” a better way of defending himself.
Of course, in England the violent crime rate has increased something like 10.9 percent (those are older figures and I don’t feel like looking it up again) since the gun bans. You’re right that I know very little about Australia but I’d be surprised indeed if the reality was a great deal different from Englands.
A note: you posted “No guns means no gun crime”. That’s a complete falsehood but lets explore the possibilties. How do you propose to collect the millions and millions of guns already in the United States? How do you propose to stop gun smuggling? How many millionaires were made during prohibition in this country? Could people get an illegal drink? Can you buy drugs in any major city today? How long have drugs been illegal?
Now it’s just one arguement but do you really think that the same type of person who ran booze during prohibition and who runs drugs now won’t look into supplying guns to criminals? More importantly, what do you propose to tell families of victims when they could have defended themselves but were disarmed by law? The same gun ban law as the one his murderer broke cheerfully just before he killed.
Less guns simply means more defenseless victims.
>>>I’m not trying to “impact on (your) rights to self defence”, I’m trying to show you that there are alternatives to arming yourself to the teeth!<<<
I’ve never advocated “arming yourself to the teeth” and I’m a bit confused what that has to do with anything. You can only shoot one gun at a time! Had you stated that you were attempting to show me that there is an alternative to going armed and still be relitively safe from attack I’d have a much easier time understanding your position-it’d be a false assumption on your part, because there is no real alternative, but your misconception would be more clearly defined.
Since you live in another country there is no reason that you’d be aware of the dynamics of crime and criminals here-just as I have no understanding of street crime in Sidney or wherever. I do however know something about crime in this country, and I’m here to tell you that your solution, if applied here would result in innocent deaths. It is one of the reasons I have no respect for Aussies or Brits who wish to brag on their “progressive” gun laws-without a clue as to the realities they are perfectly willing to espouse a system that will cost lives! I suspect that the reality in Australia is considerably different from the rosy picture painted by many of these idiots, but that isn’t any of my business. It’s nothing to me how many Australians become victims because they allowed there own government to leave them defenseless. On the other hand my self defense weapon is none of their business.