Please help with a gun related team
Dear gun owners,
Help, (This is not a plea for money or spam)
(Please read all this post)
This is a plea for help. You may or may not be aware that there is a program out there called SETI at home. This program allows persons to volunteer their computers time when you are not using it to process information in search of ET. This is a free service.
Persons wishing to participate can do so in several ways. The most common is to download a screen saver that runs on your computer when you are not doing any thing with your machine. The screen saver downloads a 360K packet from SETI and looks for special signals from that packet, results are returned to SETI after the processing is complete and a new packet is downloaded. As we all know the chances of finding ET are slim and none but now the reason for my writing this note.
Seti Members are allowed to form teams. These teams have an on going competition, daily weekly and monthly to see who can produce the most completed packets.
Some one has founded a team called NRA for all the persons who love guns or the right to own guns. It is currently on of the smaller teams but still it manages to place around 150th place in the clubs group with only 106 members. Some teams have thousands of members.
At the moment their are over 2million active persons involved in the seti at home program. I think it would be wonderful if enough gun owners could be contacted to make team NRA a top 10 or even 1st place team. With over 2 million persons logging on seti weekly it would be wonderful PR and public service for the cause. Thank you in advance, I would appreciate any help that you can give.
dbig on team nra
look here for more information: