Hate mail
Recently there was a little weasel on this forum who felt he could dictate from the safety (he thinks) of his worthless little sub-asian rock and influence my right to self-defense. Nancy, being rightfully fed up with this scumbag deleted his Alice in Wonderland fantasies. Now this turd has decided to harrass me by email. I, of course, am such a sensitive, timid type that he hurts my feeling and intimidates me! (That’s irony, in case you didn’t notice-I can take a lot of emails from nuts with an axes to grind)
Anyway, here’s a sample:
>>>You’re all miserable little cowards who hide away with your little bang bang sticks and think that you’re John Bloody Wayne! (who every Aussie male knew instinctively was as camp as a row of tents – way way too macho – so why didn’t you – oh that’s right, no-one told you). You’re all just little scaredycats – that’s why you’re in the mess you’re in. Only cowards
need guns. Repeat after me. Only cowards need guns.
Show how brave you are! Come on! We don’t need guns at all because we’re big brave Anzacs, not snivelling little snot yellow Americans.<<<
It doesn’t take a genius to see that this guy is a Fruit-Loop (The technical term I recall from my law enforcement days is “Bat-****-Crazy”)But I suppose he’s a good example of the foreign trash that wants to influence our way of life. It’s to bad that that we allow crap like him continue to use perfectly good air. Of course he could be a seperate species…but I suspect that he’s actually a lot closer to feces!