2ampd: the Firearm Issue
Is the firearms rights issue of interest to you? See LEO opinions at
www.2ampd.net. Write your own article on this or any other subject and
submit for review! Law enforcement officers are society’s professional gun
owners and have a variety of opinions on the subject. Not all of them agree
with the political police typically seen on TV!
Attach your article to e-mail to [email protected]
Law Enforcement Officers have a voice that should be heard. We hear the
media and our Chiefs and Sheriffs in the media saying we are “afraid” and
“outgunned”. They refer to “plastic guns”, “rapid fire guns”, high capacity
guns, assault weapons”, all having no other purpose than to kill people.
How absurd! They embarrass the profession with such rhetoric. If they are
afraid, they should consider getting a new job. And that goes for any police
officer that isn’t constantly aware of the possibility of attack, by any
means, at any time. That’s our job and that is why we have firearms. They
are used for self-defense, in a manner prescribed by official training,
beginning at the academy and repeated in varying continuing education
programs. At no time is a police officer told that his firearm is for the
purpose of killing people. So who do you think told these “leaders” to say
And what kind of reputation would Eliot Ness have had if he hid in his
office and sniveled about Al Capone’s guns?
Get involved. Write an article. Assure our fellow citizens that most police
officers have respect for individual rights. And they know more about
firearms than the chief .
The Second Amendment Police Department (in CyberSpace)
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