I miss “Tricky-Dicky!”

March 1st, 2012

Nixon doesn’t look so bad next to these sleezoids!

Just think…Hillery worked so hard to have Nixon impeached as a young lawyer, and now her husbands administration has shown itself to be more corrupt than “Tricky-Dicky” ever could have been! ..and to make matters worse she blames it all on some “vast right-wing conspiracy!” Sort of like the old Nixon “enemy list” that everyone was in such a tizzy about, years ago! Oh the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife!

A few years ago she was crowing about how she was the unelected “co-President” and she would have her input on policy matters…that was back when she had agendas she wanted to advance…now that she has done what she could in that regard she is doing a “Shultz!” Remember “Hogans Heroes?” Recall the German guard who never wanted to know when the prisoners were up to something?

“I know nothing…NO-THING!”

Bill Clinton idolizes “Camelot” under the Kennedy’s but his own regime could more accurately be called “Scam-elot!”

Seems appropriate that a man (and I use that term loosely)that corrupt would stand for the murder of innocent people who should have had a right to self defense.