An Observation from Canada
Most people in the Western world outside the USA view Americans as being a very violent people generally speaking. As someone who has lived in the US and has many American friends I know this not to be so. However
I have to comment on the LIES spread by the NRA and it’s supporters that GUN CONTROL DOES NOT WORK. Of course it DOES. As proof just look at the facts(1998 statistics). In the 10 most populous Western countries(Britian, France, Germany, Canada, etc) there were just over 2000 gun homicides in 1998. These countries have a TOTAL population of approx. 498 million. In 1998 there were over 13,000 gun homicides in the USA(population 260 million)So if you live in the USA you have a 12 times greater chance of getting killed by a gun. Perhaps the NRA means gun control wouldn’t work in the USA. Fine but stop the LIES. But why wouldn’t it work? It works everywhere else. Or are you really the violent people that most foreigners think you are?