Honolulu and Seattle
By now most of you have heard/read about the workplace shootings in Honolulu and Seattle.
Seattle being the big city nearest my home town, this strikes a very close chord with me.
Women who are pro liberty and pro protection cannot be quiet and demure. We need our faces in the media. We need to walk up to these gun control idiots and ask them this question…
If one of those victims had utilized their constitional right to Life, the RKBA, and stopped these lunatics dead in their tracks, would it have been a good thing?
The media won’t pose this question. They are just playing on the tragedy, and telling us that guns or the access to guns…….not the fact that our society is breeding lunatics, is the problem. They would disarm us so that things like this won’t happen (which is UNTRUE). They would have us be picked off by crime one by one. In effect, they are saying that the poor victims lives are more precious than ours. Every life is precious, and if we’re created equal, then it’s equal rights to protection, is it not?
Even if it seems like futility, we’ve got to start communicating with the media. We’ve got to start telling them that their slant and bias is wrong. We’ve got to tell them our stories.
Women are power players for public opinion. Nothing gets to people like a crying, grieving mother. We are women, mothers, daughters, and we need our voices heard and our faces recognized.
Women need to challenge the media to ask all the questions. Not just “Are guns bad?”. But ask why so many women carry them? We need the media to ask what the outcome might have been if someone there had been armed.
If we sit quiet the “Public Opinion” is going to continue to be molded by the media bias in reporting these shootings in the slanted manner they do. We need to counter them.
I will be asking my local media these questions today. I hope you will, too. Please, anyone in Washington, ask them for fair reporting, tell them to ask “ALL” the questions.
www.komotv.com (Notoriously slanted)
www.southcountyjournal.com (Notoriously unbiased)