Officer killed.
I didn’t watch the local news yesterday at all, so I discovered that yesterday morning a San Antonio Police Officer was shot and killed while engaging in a “civil stand-by.” This is when a feuding couple are splitting up and the cop has to go a stand by to avoid violence while one spouse moves out. This particular call became decidedly UN-civil when the soon-to-be ex-husband pulled a MAC-10 and began shooting. He killed the wife, the officer and wounded the brother of the wife, who ran across the street for help.
The catch is that across the street was a elementary school-so of course one of the local news stations had to milk it for all they could and spent the next three hours on the air interviewing students and commenting on school security!
The other two local stations gave the story a hour from the scene of the shooting, commented on it being a bad time to be a cop in SAPD and mentioned that the school was nearby but since there was never any suggestion of a threat on campus that was pretty much it. They didn’t get near the mileage from the story that the first station did…I guess a “school shooting” is a better story that a cop shooting.