The REAL Result of Gun Control Sentiment…..
following is a response to another anti gun student by a certified Physchotherapist……….
As a former Hoosier, and a certified psychotherapist (in 3 national and 1 state persuasions), I am, and have been working in the criminal justice systemfor over 15 years. and hope that you are still in school, or maybe I should say, I hope you are out, and ready to find out where the real world is; because its evident you’re real short in the History dept, and oblivious to the gun control issue and all its facits.
Universally a great percentage, certainly the majority of my caseload of inmates, procures a firearm first thing upon their dicharge to the streets, and they do use them either passively or aggressively in the commission of all their crimes, most all of which are augmented with the use of drugs and/or alcohol. Where have you been when the 6o’clock news is on…. at an antigun rally?
If the average individual is denied the use of legal self defense against a gun weilding felon who has been raping stealing and murdering, maybe your advise of a cellphone, a screech alarm, or waiting for assistance from the authorities will frighten them away; try it sometime… the victims of my inmates are either dead, raped, traumatized for life, unable to cohabitate with their families, or are now incarcerated in mental or medical institutions in states of partial or complete cognitive impairment….. this, my young friend is the real result of antigun sentiment…. its the stark reality you just don’t get. Its all about the bad guys, stupid!
Dave for the guns issue.