Hit Back at Anti-Gunners – Citizens Of America Update
*** Hit Back at Anti-Gunners – Citizens Of America Update
–from Russ Howard
COA has received nearly $4,000 in PLEDGES (not
donations) from the $100-squared match. Happily, nearly half
of you who made pledges went ahead and mailed in $100
donations even though we’re far from the $10,000 initial goal.
Thanks to those donations, COA was able to produce its first
radio & print ads, many of which can be seen and heard on
the new web site:
www.citizensofamerica.org … Check it out.
I especially recommend viewing the “******town Saturday
Night Special” ad. Takes a while to load, but worth the wait.
The ads are powerful and they fulfill COA’s implicit promise to
- as my friend Fred Darling once put it – “engage the enemy.”
*** World Net Daily – national media exposure for COA -
COA recently made WorldNetDaily. The writer, John
Dougherty, endorsed the program and urged
readers to donate. Here are some excerpts:
‘Assault’ advertising supports guns…
“A violent blow to the window…breaks the silence of the
night. A woman gasps as she reaches for the phone… As the
intruder enters…, the woman…pleads for operators to
answer… Instead…she is greeted with…, “All lines are busy –
please hold for the next available 9-1-1 operator.”
She panics. The intruder is moving towards her now, knife in
hand…She starts to scream but is muted by the intruder’s
hand — or worse, his weapon. Finally,…”9-1-1, what is your
emergency?” The woman doesn’t answer…”Hello? Is anyone
there?”… Silence. It’s too late.
This…is…one of several scenarios being formulated into…
radio, TV & print ads by…L.A.-based…Citizens of America..,
demonstrating the hypocrisy of…Brady,…Feinstein, &…
Schumer, all of whom have access to personal security…
paid for by the very taxpayers they deny similar protection…
COA’s approach is brilliant,…show…that…anti-gunners,…
not…guns in the hands of…responsible adults,…kill more
people… In another ad, a “criminal spokesperson”…”admits”
what…real criminals have [said] for years — that they love
anti-gun laws because they love…an unarmed victim…
Most refreshing…is the attitude of those who created this ad
campaign. They seem fed up with…compromising…gun
makers & gun groups. On the 2nd Amendment, there is no
compromising with the liberal left. The latter has one goal…–
…banning…all guns…
COA’s mission statement says it all: “There is a…need for
a…group, which can strike fast,…hard, and… without fear…
COA will not be apologetic, it will not play fair, it will hit below
the belt whenever the opportunity presents itself…To destroy
those who are tampering with 2nd Amendment freedom.”…
Normally I don’t do this, but it’s late in the game and…we’re
all in danger of losing our hedge against total tyranny… Visit
the COA web site…and send them some dough… My check’s
…in the mail…”Preaching to the choir” isn’t good enough
anymore; …it’s time to take the message to the masses…”
By space necessity, the chopped version above does little
justice to the full article. To read it go to:
*** Radio Ads Already Running
Radio ads have already been run on at least 32 stations,
free of charge, primarily during interviews of COA founders.
Also, many people have written COA requesting permission
to run COA ads on their local station at their own expense.
So many that COA is developing a program to enable it.
This adopt-an-ad program involves an agreement wherein
the person or group sponsoring an ad is simply required
to run it in full and unaltered. Those who do this can expect
to pay an average of about $400-450 for each spot broadcast
to an average audience of say, 250,000. Prices will vary
depending on how big the station is, etc., and some of you
may have connections at local stations who will run ads as
public service announcements (PSAs).
The new program is innovative and powerful. If nothing else,
it’s a confidence builder for COA’s promise that every dollar it
gets goes into ads. To COA, the paramount issue is that the
ads are seen and heard. Advantages of adopting an ad
* Total control over your donation. You know it’s spent
efficiently, since you’re spending it.
* You choose the ads to run, so you can run your favorite
* You can run ads where YOU think they’re needed most.
For example, you may want to work on decreasing support
for gun control in your own backyard, and this way you can
be sure your money gets there. And you may have insight
into the more productive places to run the ads in your local
* Force multiplier for COA. Scores of Citizens of America can
be making contact with stations, talk show hosts, etc.,
arranging for the ads to run as PSAs.
Many gun rights supporters have become skeptical after the
zillions of wasteful direct mail fundraisers with the same tired
pleas by you-know-who to send money to pay for the next
wasteful mailer — well, that and fat salaries & expense
accounts; and sweetheart deals for vendors, self-dealing
Directors and gun-grabbing police-state Republicans.
You can’t be sure if there’s anything left over after all that, but
if there is, you have no control over it and no way to be sure it
won’t be used to promote gun control schemes like safety-
free school zones, insta-reg, and Project Gun Gulag (AKA,
Project Exile) under which ALL existing gun laws will be
enforced with “zero tolerance” and gun “criminals” – including
decent people who have already been “caught” once
exercising their rights – will be “exiled” to federal
concentration camps for minimum 5-year terms. (Oh hell, let’s
make it life if you’re “caught” 3 times carrying for self-defense
or possessing an “illegal” weapon.)
So for the skeptical among you who want accountability in
your donations, COA’s program guarantees you get what you
pay for and not what you don’t.
Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the dough to repeatedly
run ads for $450 a pop, so for us donating to COA is the way
to go. And there are advantages to running the ads through
COA. For example, your donation along with many others
makes a large enough pool to enable COA to get quantity
Other advantages include specialization of labor, AKA, “not
having to reinvent the wheel,” and division of labor, AKA,
“one person doing the work of many.” COA has access
to savvy folks like Jim Houck who already know the how,
where, and when of running ads effectively and economically.
And you needn’t worry about COA wasting your money or
becoming the kind of group you’ve come to tolerate (or
loathe, as the case may be). As Houck points out, COA
doesn’t even have memberships. Every freedom-loving
American is already considered a member.
But funding is not yet sufficient for a serious paid ad
campaign. You can help make that next step happen by
digging deep and becoming part of the 2ANews $100-
squared match, or donating “more than you really should”!
To support the $10,000 match for COA, e-mail me with your
pledge at [email protected], or simply mail donations to:
Citizens Of America
PMB 447
For questions about this campaign, please contact COA’s
President, Brian Puckett, at [email protected]