Aussies Challenge Gun Ban

March 1st, 2012

Aussies Challenge Gun Ban
G’day to your Remington
-by Pat Shannan
Contrary to the worldwide belief created by a disinforming news media,
the gun confiscation in Australia has not nearly succeeded.

Handguns in Australia have been banned and strictly governed for
decades, but such statutes have not prevented illegal weapons from
entering the country and hitting the streets.

Devious means of importation have been fooling the authorities for a
long time. “There are more guns in the underground in Australia than
were ever registered,” says Eykamp.

Of more than two million known weapons legally in the country, less
than 700,000 were voluntarily submitted in the 1996 government buyout.
This was provoked by the infamous Port Arthur, Tasmania, mass murder of
35 people and the wounding of scores more by a maniac with an automatic
weapon. What followed was a classic textbook example of mass hysteria.
Statutes were passed stripping the law-abiding Australians of all
weapons with which to protect themselves.

The statutes were passed in the several states to buy back the guns,
with a price set for hundreds of models, and to destroy them. For a
variety of reasons, most did not comply. The greatest outcry of
defiance was heard from the country folks – the farmers and ranchers -
who need and use their weapons to protect their crops against the

Michael Williams, 65, still has a .22 rifle given to him by his father
more than 50 years ago. The sentimental attachment was worth far more
than the couple hundred bucks he was being offered, so he never
returned the papers. In Aussie lingo, this is saying, “Government, you
can just get stuffed!”

Such is the consensus opinion of the gun owners, most of whom don’t
believe Australia will have the man-power during their lifetimes to
enforce this rights-infringing statute. The similarity appears again:
Those who don’t own weapons think no one else should, either; while
those who do mumble, “from my cold, dead fingers.”

Gun-grabbing politicos usually proceed on the false premise of reducing
crime. In Australia it was no different nor were the results. After the
first year, the increases in violent crime varied from slight to
dramatic, depending on the area. While assaults were up by 8.6 percent
and homicides only 3.2 percent nationwide, armed robbery had increased
by 44 percent. In the State of Victoria, homicides with firearms had
increased by 300 percent in the first year [1997]…[snip]

If American gun grabbers get their way the results will be no
different. This CANNOT be allowed to happen in America! This month’s
Media Bypass is not only a must-read, but a MUST-SHARE with everyone
you know and come into contact with!