Opinion letter

March 1st, 2012

The following letter appeared in the San Antonio Express-News May 18. What follows is my response sent by fax that evening. At least I refrained from calling them “Million Moron Marchers”! If you read what I sent them, then look up what was actually published after they edited it you’ll see a difference. The published version is at-


I think you’ll see quite a change in message from my original version to the published one. Another example of our fine press orginizations deciding what we need to know and what we don’t!

Million Morons Letter:

In his May 18 letter, “Million Mom misdeed,” Patrick Hatton says “nine times more children drowned last year than died from guns.”
According to federal statistics from 1997 (the most recent year available) three times more children died from guns than from drowning. Hatton’s conclusion is not just “fuzzy math,” it does not reflect reality.
The death of any child is a tragedy, and if Mr. Hatton would like to lead a movement to reduce drowning deaths, I would support him 100 percent.
The goals of the Million Mom March are sensible gun laws, not confiscating the guns of law-abiding citizens. Closing the gun-show loophole means enacting the same guidelines followed by stores to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, crazy people and children.

What we want is to avoid another Columbine, protect our children and save lives.

Linda Gleason,
Million Mom March,
South Texas Chapter

Letters-Express News
PO Box 2171
San Antonio, Texas 78297
Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to the 4 June 2001 letter from Linda Gleason. It is alleged that the writer wishes to prevent deaths from firearm violence, not ban guns. I have my doubts in this regard since Ms Gleason represents an organization that misrepresents the truth constantly.
Ms Gleason is adamant that “children” be defined is such a way that drug dealers, gang members and would-be killers shot by police be “protected” by closing the nonexistent “gun show loophole”. In that way she maintains that we will prevent “another Columbine, protect our children and save lives”, even though no law the MMM has suggested would have had the slightest impact on what happened at Columbine. It is a sad fact that this same age-group (age 17 through 19) are “young men and women” when they enlist in the Army, are issued an M-16 rifle, ammunition and grenades and go to combat, yet if they should they decide to murder and rape here at home they are children, and should be “protected”, according to the “common sense” crowd!

Regarding Ms Gleason?s stated goals: Rosie O?Donnell, the spokesperson for that “common sense” organization makes different claims regarding the outfits ultimate definition of “common sense”-”Sorry. It is 1999, we have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun and if you do own a gun, I think you should go to prison.” (April 21, 1999)

Ms O?Donnell, of course, has bodyguards for her family.

This is the MMM version of “common sense”, and it is about what you?d expect from a group that has shown none! The plain fact is that these “common-sense-that-makes-no-sense” laws will cost lives by making it harder and harder for honest men and women to protect themselves and do nothing at all to the criminal.

Dave McKimmey
San Antonio, Texas