Anti-Gun Crowd: Get a Clue Sheriff Michael E. Cook – 07.11.01
Anti-Gun Crowd: Get a Clue
Anti-Gun Crowd: Get a Clue Sheriff Michael E. Cook – 07.11.01
Well it has happened at last, the anti-gun crowd has a new interpretation of the Second Amendment that they are pushing. The new thing is that this amendment only talks about state rights and not the individual right. Seems they are saying that it gives the states the right to form militias. All I can say about that is they need to get real and go back to school and take remedial English so they can understand what they read.
What part of the right of the people to keep and bear arms don’t they understand? Is it just me or do they seem to have gotten so spoiled with Clinton/Gore in power that now they pout and seem surprised that they no longer have it their way? I think it is time to spank their bottoms and send them home.
Now the Brady Center and Common Cause Group is attempting to give Attorney General John D. Ashcroft a bad time because he communicated with the National Rifle Association about the Emerson case out of Texas. Well, get over it people, he is just following the first and most important law of the land, The Constitution. That’s right, the Brady Law doesn’t take precedent over it and probably will be thrown out for violating it. Too Bad.
The real funny part of all this is that the Brady Group feels that Attorney General Ashcroft lied when, during his Senate confirmation hearings, he said he would put his personal views aside when upholding the nation’s gun laws. Gee, like Clinton never lied to the people of America about anything. This is not a lie, he is upholding the Constitution. I guess it is all right for them to lie and cheat to get their way, however when they think it has turned around on them they get real upset. I guess it’s only their right to lie and they get upset if they think we do it.
The biggest lie of all is now published in a textbook to brain wash our children. I have been notified that the public schools in many areas are now using a text book published by Glencoe/McGraw Hill titled (American Pageant: Building a Nation; Appleby, et al, 2000, ISBN 0-02-821876-0). On page 242 of this book it says that the Second Amendment’s purpose is “to guarantee states the right to keep a militia.” This is the junk that our school system is stuffing into our children. By the way, the toll free number for Glencoe/McGraw Hill is 1-800-334-7344, perhaps you should give them a call and tell them what you think of their text book.
It’s no wonder that the Federal Government and the bureaucracies that support them can walk on top of people in America like they are doing in the Klamath Basin. The people no longer understand their rights. They are no longer given history or knowledge about the sacrifice of our ancestors to win our freedom. This now society doesn’t even teach them the truth.
Don’t take my word for it, look at the Bill of Rights. Then look at the
Klamath Basin Crisis with the knowledge that the irrigation canal and the gates are all owned by the people in the basin. They own it and have paid for it out of their own pockets. It doesn’t belong to the government, they only administer the thing because they put up the grant money, which has been paid back, in the first place. This is a taking and by our own Constitution the farmers in the Basin must be compensated for a taking. That’s why the government has been so quiet on the issue.
All I can say is, it’s time for the people we elected to office to step up and do the duty they were elected to do. They have hidden in the background long enough. So to them I say, Do Your Duty.
Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired