S.C. Officials Say Concealed-Weapons Law is Working
nice to know the antis agree
What is unusual is that Join Together put it on their site.
Guess they goofed.
This article is from Join Together Online
August 31, 2001
S.C. Officials Say Concealed-Weapons Law is Working
A review of the concealed-weapons law passed in 1996 in South Carolina
concludes that the program has worked effectively, the Charlotte Observer
reported Aug. 25.
Under the law, a concealed-weapons permit is issued to any South Carolina
resident age 21 or older with a clean criminal record. Applicants must
pass a training class and background check.
South Carolina authorities said the program has worked effectively,
despite concerns from critics that a concealed-weapons law would put more
armed residents on the streets. Capt. Joe Dorton, who oversees the State
Law Enforcement Division’s regulatory department, said very few
permitholders have abused the privilege.
“People are very aware of their right to have a permit and to carry a
firearm,” said Dorton. “They are very attentive to keeping their permit
good standing.”
Rep. Jeff Young (R-Sumter), who sponsored the bill, agreed. “The people
who have gotten them have been very responsible,” he said. “Now you have
30,000 people trained with guns who may not have been trained before. And
the criminal still doesn’t know who’s carrying.”