LPC Chair WINS Against Cook County Sheriff’s Gun Buyback Program
> The Party of Principle
> http://www.il.lp.org> * [email protected]
> 800-735-1776 or 847-844-3410, 847-844-3417 Fax
> 316 1/2 N. River St., Suite B, East Dundee, IL 60118
> ===============================================
> From: Matt Beauchamp <frdm1776
> NEWS from the Libertarian Party of Chicago
> October 8th, 2001
> ———————
> ———————
> LPC Chairman Matt Beauchamp was vindicated in Cook County
> Circuit Court on Oct. 5th when judge Lester Foreman ruled in his
> favor regarding a multi-year lawsuit concerning Cook County
> Sheriff Michael Sheahan’s gun buy back program. Beauchamp
> filed suit in Sept of 1999 when the Sheriff’s Department used tax
> dollars to purchase guns in a failed attempt to “get guns off
> the street.”
> Unfortunately, the Sheriff violated several federal and state
> firearms laws in the process. Beauchamp requested
> documents pertaining to the 5400 firearms purchased at
> taxpayer expense and was met with stonewalls and lies.
> Beauchamp sued when the Sheriff denied him the use of his
> digital camera to record gun records (a first in Illinois legal
> history). Beauchamp also questioned the location of 10 so-
> called “antique guns” the Sheriff sold to museums around the
> country.
> Judge Foreman ruled in Beauchamp’s favor, in that (1)Public
> records must be made available to the public at a reasonable
> cost of reproduction. Sheahan attempted to charge Beauchamp
> $1 per page when similar public agencies were charging 10 to
> 15 cents per page. (2) That digital photography is a legitimate
> means of records reproduction and must be granted to the
> plaintiff. (3) The aforementioned “antique guns” that the
> Sheriff’s Department is playing dumb about must be declared a
> mistake by a high-ranking Sheriff’s Department official and he
> must sign an affidavit swearing to this (in other words, they were
> caught in a lie).
> Beauchamp is suing to recover attorney’s fees in the amount of
> $5000. That hearing will be held December 5th, 2001.
> Beauchamp is also exploring the possibility of informing the
> Illinois States Attorney of numerous state and federal firearms
> laws and requesting the prosecution of Michael Sheahan <http://
> www.co.cook.il.us/sheriff_sheahan.htm>.
> For more information visit the Libertarian Party of Chicago at:
> http://www.lpchicago.org>
> Libertarian Party of Chicago
> ===============================================
> The Party of Principle
> http://www.il.lp.org> * [email protected]