A DR who changed his mind about guns?!?!?!?!

March 1st, 2012

“A few stories of thwarted terror attacks by armed citizens might change the
mind-set of the lawless who perpetrate such acts.”

Hey Doc!
Why is this any different than several thousand (over two million times a
yr. to be exact) stories of thwarted criminal attacks (raped, carjackings,
attempted murders, and other self defense stories) by armed citizens who CAN
and HAVE changed the mindset of the lawless who perpetrate such
And did you “rethink your gun possession” for just YOU? Why is YOUR family
any more important than MY family or the average joe citizen’s family. Will
you still be willing to push gun control legislation that will register your
gun and only allow you to buy one a month and close the so called
Why not retink your gun control POSITION!!!!! Join the SMART drs who KNOW GUNS SAVE LIVES – http://www.claremont.org/1_drgo.cfm


One who changed his mind
From: The Wall Street Journal
3 October 2001

Author: Mark L. Helm M.D.

After the terrorist attacks I’ve been rethinking gun possession. Long a
staunch anti-gun supporter, I’m preparing to buy a handgun and get the
training necessary to legally conceal it. As a physician I have seen what
guns do to people.
This fostered my anti-gun beliefs. The post-Sept. 11 U.S. now demands
self-protection. Teachers, business people, and yes, physicians with weapons
could help prevent or curtail the excessive carnage potential of a single
madman with a gun, or a box cutter for that matter. A few stories of
thwarted terror attacks by armed citizens might change the mind-set of the
lawless who perpetrate such acts.

Mark L. Helm, M.D