Husband shoots home invader to death
Husband shoots home invader to death
Chicago Sun-Times
Published: 11/23/01 Author: Annie Sweeney
A Buffalo Grove man was shot and killed early Thursday after he
allegedly stormed into a West Side couple’s bedroom and demanded to
see the woman’s breasts, police said.
The shooting was ruled justified and charges were not brought against
the man who fatally shot Curtis Reed once in the chest, Chicago
police said.
Reed, 42, kicked in the basement door of the apartment building in
the 3800 block of West Monroe at 4:20 a.m., ran up the back stairwell
and directly into the bedroom on the first floor, where a 57-year-old
woman and a 58-year-old man were in bed, Area 4 Violent Crimes
Detective Mike Miller said.
The couple had heard someone enter their home and were ready when
Reed burst into the bedroom, police said. The man reportedly
responded to Reed’s demand by pulling out a handgun and firing.
Reed did not appear to have ransacked the home or to have tried to
steal anything, Miller said.
“He stormed upstairs and into the bedroom and said to the
woman: ‘Show me your [breasts],’ ” Miller said. “And at that point,
the husband fired.”
Miller said police do not think Reed knew the couple, nor were they
sure why he chose that home.
Reed was pronounced dead at 6:30 a.m. at the Cook County medical
examiner’s office.
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