
March 1st, 2012

Here in Texas we had a guy named Kenneth McDuff on death row. He went up in the 60s for killing two male teens, then raping and killing their female companion. During the assault he raped her with a broom handle, then used it to choke her to death. Years ago when the death penalty was declared unconstitutional his sentance was commuted to life..he eventually became eligible for parole and was released in the early 90s.

He killed his first victim less than 30 days out of prison and they still are not sure how many people he killed. At one point he and an another scumbag kidnapped a woman from a car wash in Austin. They were driving a white T-Bird and Austin Police immediately put out the description. I can still recall that I was working the highway 30 miles South of Austin and looking so hard for that white Thunderbird: McDuff is nearly 6’6″ and I’m about 5’9″-I have no doubt there would have been gunfire had we met…no way I could have handled him by myself. It doesn’t matter since I never came across him and they still haven’t found that ladies body. The other scumbag eventually confessed that they took turns raping her in the back seat of the car while they drove. I read an account of that confession and it’s chilling to say the least, especially as I say, remembering the search vividly and knowing now the torture that woman endured. They went North (towards the Ft Hood area) instead of coming South towards me. McDuff eventually dropped off the other guy and took the lady somewhere and murdered her..(his term for it was “use her up”)…they estimate about 10 victims killed more or less like this since his release.

I do have to agree with one concept: the death penalty was unfairly administered. Two years ago they ended McDuffs killing with a lethal injection. Because it wasn’t fairly administered in the 60s he was left alive to kill and torture in the 1990s. Had they put him to death back then those ten people could still be alive…

Texas catches it over the number of executions each year. Critics say there are way to many…when I think of that night hunting for that white T-Bird while that woman is assaulted and murdered I know we don’t use that death penalty nearly enough.

Moreover, it was illegal back then for that woman to have had a firearm. The Austin police couldn’t help her, The Texas Department of Criminal Justice wouldn’t help her so she was faced with a 6’6″ sex-killer without a chance to defend herself! It seems to me that she might have opted for some kind of help to avoid being gang-raped, sodomized and murdered, but that night all the options belonged to McDuff, and he is the kind of guy that refers to useing humans up.

It seems to me that we should be the ones with options not the McDuffs of this world.