United WE Stood!

March 1st, 2012

Nice job Utah!
Response from KOSY 106.5


We have had a victory! I contacted the station manager at KOSY 106.5. He
wouldn’t give the numbers of E-mails he received, but apparently, it was a lot.
He said that they get complaints every day from folks who aren’t happy with
something about their station. But this issue was a very serious issue and
demanded attention. He said it was inappropriate to talk about guns and
politics on their radio station.

This is what America’s all about! People uniting together for a cause. When
we work together, we’re successful! Remember how powerful YOU are! I happen
to know the lady who turned the world upside down with that infamous “olympic
letter.” She’s a mother with young kids! Just remember that we still have
free speech (for the most part) and it’s our most powerful tool in preserving
our rights. (The 2nd Amendment backs up that tool and all other rights we

I have permission from a WAGC member to include her letter with the response
she received. If you feel inclined, please thank Keith Abrams for his
attention to this issue.

Regards, Janalee

From Laree, WAGC-UT:

Dear KOSY 106.5,

I’d like to request that ill informed anti-gun comments and opinions, not be
allowed to be stated as fact. Since countries, and even states with the
strictest anti gun laws have higher levels of violent crimes because the
criminals have weapons and honest citizens have no way to defend themselves.
The police cannot protect individuals, as they usually arrive after the crime.
It is up to citizens to defend themselves and their neighbors. Disarming
citizens makes a safer place for criminals. Laree


Thanks for your e-mail. I will be talking with the host of the show this week
concerning her comments. You are correct, this show is not the vehicle for
issues of the day. You should not hear comments like this in the future
on Sounds of the Sabbath and I hope you will notify me again if you do.

Thanks for listening to KOSY and the Sounds of the Sabbath!

Keith Abrams
Station Manager