Do You Feel Safer Flying NOW?
Well, now that all of these glorious new security measures are in place, do any of us feel safer flying… or just more violated?
I think we still need that ultimate level of deterrance in the cockpit: armed pilots. Anyone else think so?
I recently got an interesting email from Front Sight Firearms Training Institute ( ) regarding their ongoing campaign to arm the pilots and provide free training. The gist is that the FAA is requesting public comment about this issue.
I took Front Sight’s Free Uzi Class ( )and was pretty impressed with their level of instruction. I’ll cut and paste the email they sent. Let’s let the FAA know what us Americans really want:
Subject: FAA Requests Front Sight’s Comments
For Immediate Release
January 31, 2002
From: Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Dear Friends of Front Sight,
As you may know, the FAA has recently published a request for written comments on the subject of arming airline pilots. Front Sight is responding, through our Washington, DC lobbyist, with a complete package including Front Sight’s Three-Day, Armed Pilot Curriculum which I wrote at the request of members of American Airlines Pilot’s Association.
I strongly urge you to join us in our efforts by writing your own letter to the FAA. The attached letter may provide a useful starting point. It contains information on a number of security measures and further demonstrates the need to equip pilots with firearms. The deadline for submitting comments to the FAA is February 14, 2002.
Dr Ignatius Piazza
Public Document Office
Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Room PL-401
Washington, D.C. 20590-0001
RE: [Docket No. FAA-2001-11129]
Firearms, Less-Than-Lethal Weapons and Emergency Services on Commercial Flights.
Dear Sir or Madam:
The purpose of this letter is to urge you to recommend to the Department of Transportation and the President that pilots and flight deck crew members be allowed to carry firearms into the cockpit of aircraft providing air transportation or intrastate air transportation.
Your favorable recommendation is needed in light of the current threat cockpit invasions pose to air crews and passengers. Public Safety officials must assume that the events of September 11 have inspired others to carry out attacks using cockpit invasions to commandeer aircraft. Undoubtedly, there will be commentators, even perhaps some in the industry, who will accept the lowest common denominator of protection for both crews and passengers. In my opinion, the United States Government should allow all reasonable means of technology, including firearms, to be deployed on board aircraft to deter and stop the types of vicious and suicidal attacks we have witnessed against our air transportation system and nation.
Authorizing flight deck crews to carry firearms in the cockpit is the only security measure currently being considered that would have thwarted the tragedy of September 11. Non-lethal devices are simply not reliable by comparison and ineffective in multiple assailant attacks. Universally recognizable, firearms also have a deterrent value not found in non-lethal devices
Commercial airline pilots are highly trained, carefully screened professionals who often have a military background. I already entrust them with my life when they fly the aircraft. In my judgement, they would be just as responsible in handling firearm, if necessary to defend a cockpit, and ultimately all of their passengers.
In closing, there is absolutely no practical reason why an armed pilot program could not be quickly achieved. The U.S. has several excellent and qualified firearms training academies, all of which could be accredited for such purposes by the FAA or T.S.A. I am familiar with one, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada, that is offering to train pilots free of charge who are authorized to carry a handgun to protect the cockpit from
terrorist attack.
Thank you for this opportunity to express my views on this important matter.