Girls and Guns

March 1st, 2012,2933,48913,00.html

Girls & Guns

I asked Sarah Hunt of the University of New Mexico to describe an event at her
school called “Buy Your Girl a Gun Day,” and what she outlined is interesting
and hilarious:

“UNM is the rape capital of the Southwest, and a girl technically can’t even
carry a pocket knife on campus to defend herself (UNM Code of Conduct). I think
this is nuts. The College Republicans wanted to do something to celebrate the
passage of New Mexico’s concealed carry law. Thus, Buy Your Girl a Gun Day was

“CRs brought in the NRA and New Mexico Gun Owners to do an information table
with us. We tabled with them and passed out, “Rapists love women who hate guns,”
and “The ultimate in feminine protection,” flyers (the flyer borders alternated
lipstick tubes and hand guns). A local shooting range donated some range passes,
and we gave those away, too. The concealed carry law was carried by a woman
state representative and we had her come in and speak at our meeting that night.
She’s a former Army captain with pink hair; the woman kicks. We ended up on all
the nightly news broadcasts and in the “real” Albuqerque newspapers. The only
regret I have is that we didn’t chalk “I Shot A Rapist Here” all over campus.

“Would you believe all this made the Women’s Studies Department administration

Other campus groups might want to look into trying this out…The College of
William & Mary has had two rapes this year, and I know something like this would
be a great way to fire up debate. – Ben Domenech