Victory For Our Side Part 2
May 10, 2002
The U.S. House overwhelming approved Congressman Ron Paul’s amendment
opposing the International Criminal Court (ICC) at around 12:40 a.m. ET
today. This was not a vote on Congressman Paul’s H.R. 4169, The American
Servicemember and Citizens Protection Act of 2002 — don’t be confused.
This was the Paul amendment to H.R. 4546 (National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2003) that expresses the sense of Congress prohibiting the
use of U.S. funds for the ICC.
This amendment is a sense of Congress which means it expresses the opinion
of Congress. It doesn’t have the effect of law. However, the legislation
that will have the effect of law is H.R. 4169 — The American Servicemember
and Citizen Protection Act of 2002 which was introduced by Congressman Paul
and 18 other members of the House on April 11, 2002. You’ll hear more from
us about H.R. 4169 soon.
The great news is that 264 members of the House have expressed their
opinion, by a recorded vote, that no U.S. funds should go to the
International Criminal Court. We expect these 264 members to support the
legal prohibition of funds by way of H.R. 4169, The American Servicemember
and Citizen Protection Act of 2002. But for now, the vote early this
morning on Congressman Paul’s amendment is, without question, a major
victory for our side!
You can easily learn how your representative voted. Was he one of the 264
who voted our way or one of the 152 who voted the wrong way? Discover how
your representative voted and send him a message of thanks or of
disappointment. Go to
To read Congressman Paul’s press release about this important vote, go to
You will be hearing more from us about additional work that will be
necessary to keep American citizens — military and civilians — out of the
clutches of the International Criminal Court , but for now we have two
major victories for our side.
Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee
To contribute to our Anti-ICC/Pro-USA campaign, go to