No longer a “just in case” weapon.

March 1st, 2012

Two nights ago, around seven or so, I had to run out to the grocery store. Previously I had gone somewhere where I wasn’t permitted to carry my weapon, so it was stored in my home, and I had to remember, just at the last minute, to take it with me. It was pretty dark and my neighborhood isn’t the safest in the area. I wasn’t prepared to carry on person so I slipped it into it’s own pocket in my purse and made my way to the grocery store.
Whenever I go to the grocery store after dark, I park very close to the entrance and always directly next to the cart return so I stay visible and move as little as possible. I also look around before I get out, and make eye contact with anyone in the parking lot. On this occasion there were four teenage “punks” standing near the entrance of the store, eyes on me. (By punks I do not refer to mohawks and the like, more like yuppie high school boys looking like they think they’re tough, all that. You know, the semi-affluent white boys who listen to gangsta rap and call eachother homie??) I walked by them, after a long, deliberate look at them, and went inside to do my shopping. (In retrospect, they were pretty full of themselves and not well established criminals, or that would have tipped them off that I wasn’t a good target!)
Once I had my cart and began going through my list, I noticed two of the kids were always in one of my aisles. I also saw, whenever I came to a point in the store where they were visible, that the other two were in the little eating area adjecent to the deli, near the entrance, facing me. I did not like this. (Ironically, there is *supposed* to be a King County Sherriff posted next to the deli/bakery at this specific QFC store, less than twenty feet from where the two seated kids were in a direct line of sight.)
When I got in line to check out, the two kids whom were coincidentally everywhere I was, went to rejoin their buddies at the little table, having bought nothing. The two who had been sitting all along kept their eyes on me. I decided that I needed to weigh my options. There seemed no doubt to me that I had been targeted by them. They were most definitely not kids just wasting time or hanging out. I could have had asked for a bag boy to accompany me out, which wasn’t a bad idea. Until I realized the only “bag boy” on duty that I could see was a petite little gal, not even out of high school. Not exactly a good deterrent to four athletic looking high school boys. I assumed that maybe they wanted my car and my purse. While my items were scanned and bagged, I slipped my hand into my purse, double and triple checking the direction I would need to draw my weapon if needed. I decided exactly what I’d do. Since my car was so near the entrance, just across the driveway, I would push the cart with my purse in it, in front, with my hand in the gun pocket. I would approach my trunk so that I would turn my cart around, facing the store, and, of course, these four kids if they followed.
Not very bright kids, I saw them get up, reflected in the glass door as I walked out. I did exactly what I planned, listening *very* carefully. If things didn’t go as I planned, I could draw very quickly, regardless. I suddenly but casually spun my cart around near my trunk to face them. I looked up at them. Mine was the only car in that aisle, and there was no reason for these kids to walk in my direction. I very deliberately reached in my purse and drew very slightly. I did not pull the gun out. I did not get it far enough to show the barrel. But it was completely obvious that I was drawing. I didn’t plan on pulling it out completely unless absolutely necessary. They stopped as if they’d tripped and one of them stuttered, “We’re going the wrong way, man”. They headed for some nearby apartments in another direction at a very brisque pace.
It took me a few days to post this because I wanted to make clear that by just going out into the parking lot on my own, after this had occurred, wasn’t me taking a “Make my day” philosophy. I wanted to go over it and my options again. The store was barely staffed. I could have maybe complained and got them kicked out of the store. Maybe there was somebody other than a little girl in a ponytail who could have walked me out. Maybe I could have called my boyfriend on my cel phone to put my daughter in the carseat and come out and meet me. Maybe. And maybe they would have been waiting for me outside, maybe something worse, maybe I could have involved someone else and helped them get victimized, too. Had I been unarmed I would not have gone out there alone. Even armed, it’s not always the best idea. There are no guarantees. The store was deserted. At least out in the parking lot, which served several other businesses including a tavern, might have more people in it, even if the lighting is bad and such. I do believe with absolute certaintly that I would have been held up, car jacked or worse had I not been carrying. I did call and report that these boys, who should have been on their security cameras, had followed me out of the parking lot and only left after I “confronted” them, suggesting that loiterers at the store be watched or removed.
The bottom line, no matter who wants to judge how I handled this situation, is simply having my gun prevented crime this night. And no matter how I could have handled it differently, it came out ok. If I had this “Bad Ass” attitude, I assure you, I would have pointed it at them and ordered them onto the wet pavement. I had no interest in anything other than getting the hell out of there with my safety and property in one piece. I did not want to shoot the little jerks. Thankfully, it was apparent they didn’t want to take that chance.
Also, something I think is absolutely paramount to address, is the sense of calm I had because I was able to protect myself. Because I had some sense of security, I didn’t panic, didn’t behave nervously. I was able to very calmly decide what I needed to do, how I would get to my car safely. Because I had that gun, I wasn’t so scared that I couldn’t look to see first who was working in the store, if that Sheriff was there or gone. I had the sense of clarity to weigh the options. There was a backup of defense, and that way, I could formulate a plan of defense. Yes, if those kids had been armed (maybe they were but freaked out), if they’d been smarter, faster………….the outcomes are limitless. But, it worked out this way, and knowing I was safe, having my gun and a clear head got me out of this situation in tact.