Crime Jumps in California
FYI (copy below):
Crime Jumps in California
Violent crime jumped last year in California. That rise in
crime brought to an end the state’s eight-year trend of
decreasing crime. In cities with populations of 100,000 or
more, serious crime rose 3.5 percent.
Statewide, forcible rapes went up 6.6 percent, homicides
went up 3.9 percent, and motor vehicle thefts increased by
8.9 percent. In Los Angeles alone, the overall homicide
figure went up 27.5 percent. Serious crimes also rose in
Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco and San Jose.
But wait!
There is one county in California where crime is not
increasing. In this particular county there has, in fact,
been a 29 percent decrease in violent crime in the past
year! That county would be Orange County Santa Ana,
Disneyland, Newport Beach, etc.
Would any of you care to guess why some people think crime
is dropping in Orange County while it’s climbing throughout
California? Could it possibly be that Orange is the only
urban county in California that allows its citizens to carry
concealed weapons? Carrying a concealed weapon is virtually
taboo elsewhere in the state, unless you’re a celebrity, a
politician or someone guarding a celebrity or a politician.
Predators in California are enjoying a field day.
Californians have recently been treated to a host of other
restrictions on their Second Amendment rights. They have to
wait 10 days to take delivery on firearms purchases.
They’ve been restricted to one gun purchase per month. They
can no longer buy, sell or trade high-capacity magazines
made before the 1994 ban. And they had to register
so-called assault weapons with the state before January 1,
The people who abide by these laws are, by definition,
law-abiding citizens. People with criminal intentions are
just not going to march off and register their guns. They
don’t care about these laws because they don’t obtain their
guns through normal commerce. Do you see what’s going on
Violent crime is increasing in areas where gun-hungry
politicians are engaging in a concerted effort to disarm
their constituents. People who own guns make their homes
and neighborhoods hard targets for criminals.
Disarm those people and the criminals will run wild. Why?
Because they know they won’t be shot if they attack someone
or steal a car.
But criminals are afraid to commit crimes in the city of
Orange … because they know citizens carry weapons. They
don’t know if a victim will offer armed resistance. So they
move on to other places where they know their victims are
unarmed. Like, say, Los Angeles.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles is working on new legislation
requiring fingerprinting of gun buyers and making sales of
small, easily concealed handguns illegal. Los Angeles City
Councilman Nick Pacheco said, “I don’t believe in any
firearms being owned by civilians under any circumstances,
concealed or not concealable.”
And San Diego’s NBC affiliate, KGTV, is planning a gun
buyback this weekend to “help keep our communities safe.”
Of course, they probably won’t listen if you tell them that
criminals don’t usually buy their guns through licensed
dealers, and that you have to collect about 60,000 guns
before you can be statistically assured of saving one life.
You’d be injecting logic into a purely emotional anti-gun
movement. And logic is anathema to the gun grabbers