ILL. 17th District canidate for US Rep. Holding a gun raffle to raise Money

March 1st, 2012

This guys got my support, even though I’m not in ILL..
Michael Curtiss, MD, is running for US Representative of the 17th
District in Illinois. We hope he’ll replace our dear friend Lane Evans,
who has voted for the Bill Clinton agenda on most issues.

Dr. Curtiss’ website:


Dr. Curtiss is raffling off an AutoOrdnance compact .45 and a
Bulgarian SLR-95 to help finance his campaign, and to make a
strong point about the responsible use of firearms and the 2nd
Amendment. Tickets are $5 each, and the drawing will be held the
last week of January, 2000. Included with each firearm is a course
in how to use the weapons responsibly and a copy of John Lott’s
excellent work, “More Guns, Less Crime.”

If you’d like to participate, send your check or money order (in $5
increments) to:

Curtiss for Congress
6826 IL Route 78
Mount Carroll, IL 61053-9120

Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for your
tickets, and mention the raffle in the “Memo” section of your check
or money order.

I’m not affiliated with the campaign in any way (it’s not even in my
home district) – I’d just like to see a few more pro-gun legislators
make it to the House, and this seems like a nifty way to help.