Call to Pens? Glamour slam piece….Tell them what you think about firearms!

March 1st, 2012

This is all I have on the subject but the lady that runs the gun board that I saw this post may have some more details. Thought it needed to be posted here.

Posted by jg on December 10, 1999 at 21:28:44:

Guys, heckle me about this, and you’ll feel it in the morning!

If you are, or know, a pro-gun woman we need your help. This months issue of Glamour magazine
carries an article called “Glamour Investigates the Gunning Down of American Women” (Stacie Stukin,
pg162). The article is a total propaganda piece consisting of the 3 obligatory parts.

1. The statement that guns are evil
2. The spitting at congress for not taking them away.
3. The numerous personal tear jerkers of who got killed.

Not one single mention of women who had used guns to defend themselves. Not one single mention that
self defense ever occurs. Not one single mention of women overpowered, raped, and killed due to lack of
protection. And, of course, the standard quote, “I used to understand guns for sports, but now I think
even that’s too violent”. This magazine is important because it targets the young. You can contact
Glamour magazine about Stacie Stukin’s article at:

4 Times Square
New York, New York 10036
Fax 212-286-7410
[email protected]

If you write, fax, or email please let us all know….

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