Re: (TX) Woman uses gun to protect herself 08-30-02

March 1st, 2012

2) The Advocate: Free gun classes are public service
Posted 8/28/2002

We commend organizers responsible for free handgun safety classes for
Baton Rouge area women conducted this weekend and planned again

These classes could help prevent a fatal mistake in a tense community
fearful of a serial killer who has murdered at least three Baton Rouge

The Advocate previously urged inexperienced women with newly acquired
firearms to take such courses. The organizers are performing a service
not only to many of those women, but also to others undecided about
gun ownership.

Almost 300 women have signed up to take one of the safety classes, and
more than 100 of them participated in one of the two sessions already
conducted. At least two more sessions are planned Saturday morning and
afternoon to handle the overflow.