Liberal Think Tank Finds That Project Exile Doesn’t Work

March 1st, 2012

Liberal Think Tank Finds That Project Exile Doesn’t Work

Larry Pratt: Liberal Think Tank Finds That Project Exile Doesn’t Work
In a previous column I wrote about the blatantly un-Constitutional program
known as Project Exile which has been enthusiastically endorsed by Rep.
Robert L. Ehrlich, a Republican, who is running for governor in Maryland.
Ehrlich has said that Project Exile has “worked” in Richmond, Virginia;
thus, it will work in Maryland. And, in a letter-to-the-editor in the Roll
Call newspaper (1/28/02), Jim Kessler, Policy and Research Director of
Americans For Gun Safety, says Project Exile in Richmond, Virginia, has
“reduced gun crime dramatically.” Well — you guessed it — none of this is