To Those Who are Afraid to Sign the On-line Repeal the USA/Patriot Act Petition
I can understand your fear. Perhaps you are worried about retaliation sometime in the future. What will happen to your families or yourselves personally if you sign this petition? What will happen if you don’t? Besides, signing it won’t do any good anyway…or will it?
It is perfectly legal to sign this petition. It is illegal for the government to retaliate against you for signing it. One day, when our freedoms are taken away, it will be illegal to sign petitions like this and it will be legal for the government to retaliate against free speech. Speak out today, while you can. Not just for your own sake, but for the sake of every person who lives in our precious country, the United States of America.
It will do much good if many of the approximately 50 million United States internet users sign this petition. So far very few people have protested by signing a petition. This sends the message that we submit to the loss of our civil rights, and gives the government the go-ahead to proceed with more freedom-destroying “security measures.”
We must sign the petition and begin speaking out TODAY. Speaking out is action, and it is powerful action. If enough people sign the Repeal the USA/Patriot Act petition, the Act will be overturned. This will hinder the government from moving forward in their New World order agenda.
If we don’t do anything, they will move ahead with the dissolution of our freedoms at an accelerated pace. You can be sure the Patriot Act was a test: “What will Americans do about this? What will patriots and Christians, (those who know where the USA/Patriot Act will lead) DO about this? Nothing? They don’t care? Good, on to the next step.” This is what they are thinking, and indeed the next step is in the works. Some states are already working toward the implementation of a national i.d. system. See:
The USA/Patriot Act did not just happen suddenly. This legislation has been planned for a long time, and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 was the excuse they used to quickly pass it through. “There is no way that the USA Patriot Act came into existence solely in response to September 11th. In fact, it is clear from prior legislative and case history that law enforcement and intelligence have been trying for many years to obtain these powers. It is only the unreasoning “bunker mentality” that followed September 11th that allowed its planners to pass it.” -Jennifer Van Bergen Read Jennifer’s six-part series of articles on the USA Patriot Act: “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.”
The government knows many people are frightened and fearful of speaking out against the USA/Patriot Act. If you are afraid to sign a petition they have already won in their quest to quickly advance into the next stage in New World Order implementation
It is time to speak out and behave like free American citizens. If you are afraid to sign a petition you have voluntarily given up your freedom of speech. Those behind the passing of this bill will interpret your silence as the green light for them to plunge ahead full force into making even more blatantly unconstitutional laws.
If you are on list servs exposing the New World Order or have posted to a discussion forum critical of the New World Order, you are already known for your stand. Not signing a petition will not make you invisible when you have already indicated your stand by the simple act of joining a discussion list even if you have remained silent and merely glean information.
Please pray and think about this. It is not hopeless. We really can hold back the New World Order. They know it, and I pray that you would know it too.
Gary and Lisa Ruby
Online Petition: Repeal the USA/Patriot Act