Waiting for Emory

March 1st, 2012

Waiting for Emory
Mr. Sternstein is Professor Emeritus of History, Brooklyn College, CUNY, and
co-editor of The Encyclopedia of American Biography.
In early June, a journalist working for a pro-gun organization interviewed
an unnamed professor at Emory University who reportedly was closely
following the institution’s investigation into the allegations of academic
fraud and misconduct leveled against Michael Bellesiles’s research in his
award-winning book Arming America. The interviewer wanted to know his take
on how Emory was handling the matter. “The people I talk with say that
Bellesiles is toast,” said the professor. “Emory is going slow in its
investigation, trying to follow certain procedures carefully. And they are
doing this because they think [Bellesiles] is dead meat and they want to
make sure that when they hang him up to rot, the smell won’t come wafting
back on them.”