“The View”
Was surfing through the crap on cable TV and came across the talk show “The View”. They had Micheal Moore on plugging his movie (Bowling For Columbine) and his book (Stupid White Men). I can’t stress enough how much you should NOT waste money on this movie/book. In his web site, michealmoore.com, he calls G.W. a pathetic liar. On “The View” he spouts statistics about the amount of violent crimes involving guns in Canada being lower than that in the United States, and contributing that to Canada’s gun-control. Of course there’s gonna be more in the U.S, compare populations. Look at it the correct way, Canada’s crimes involving guns increased AFTER their gun control act. Moore says the movie is not about gun-control but then he asks the question “why do 11,000 people die each year in America at the hands of gun violence?” Has he looked at how many people die in a year at the hands of automobiles? We already register our automobiles. Are they gonna go door to door and confiscate our automobiles because the automobile killed to many people? Hello, it’s the driver that gets people killed. With guns it’s the “Nut behind the butt”.
Anyway, sorry it’s so long winded. I’m not watching “The View”, not seeing “Bowling For Columbine”, and not buying “Stupid White Men”. I’m going to tell as many people as I can about it too. If you agree, tell someone.
A bit of irony….Moore is a lifetime NRA member! (He said he made a mistake when he was 18)