Oregon Firearms Federation Alert
PO BOX 556
Dec. 14 1999 Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative Update:
“Oregon Gun Owners” anti-gun ballot initiative has
received a draft ballot title. It follows:
“Increases Firearm Transactions Requiring
Background Checks; Changes Other Firearms Laws”
As with Senator Ginny Burdick’s anti-gun efforts, you,
once again, have ten business days to send comments to
the Secretary of State if you want to challenge the title.
This simply requires a letter with your suggestions.
The deadline for your letter to be received is December
29th, 1999.
If you submit comments by that date you have standing
to challenge the certified title in court.
If “Oregon Gun Owners” is successful you will face the
same restrictions buying, selling and trading firearms
as you would under Burdick’s measure.
OGO’s measure calls for no record keeping, but keep
in mind, there is NO WAY to assure that the records
the police create doing background checks will be
destroyed. Furthermore, if they really wanted to
eliminate record keeping, why require that the make,
model and serial number of the gun you are trading
be given to the police? If this check is simply
intended to find out if you’re a certified good
guy, why do they need the details of the guns
you are acquiring?
The “Oregonian” has reported that the measure was
drafted with the help of anti-gun House Rep. (and
Attorney General wannabe) Kevin Mannix, and in fact
it has his fingerprints all over it. OGO has
rewarded Mannix for his anti-gun activism with
$30,000 in contributions to his Political Action
Oregon Gun Owners is, once again, using gun owner’s
money to restrict gun owner’s rights.
If you want to challenge the draft ballot title
send your concerns to:
Oregon Secretary of State
Room 141
State Capitol
Salem OR
The website to track ballot measures is:
Want to support the Oregon Firearms Federation while
simultaneously making a political and fashion statement?
Order an OFF tee shirt. You’ll be helping OFF fight for
your rights and demonstrating your sartorial savvy. Go to
our secure site to order.
Please note: we have changed our e-mail address.Our
new e-mail address is <[email protected]>.