Gun Control Logic Fails
Gun Control Logic Fails
“It takes little journalistic sweat to reel off another tired litany of
sound bites that smear lawful gun owners as simple-minded obstructionists
to whatever the anti-gun proposal du jour happens to be,” writes NRA
Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre in USA Today.
Rethinking Ballistic Fingerprinting
Ballistics experts have become crime-fighting stars in the Beltway sniper
case, where they linked most of the bullets to a single gun through their
distinctive markings. But the frustrations encountered in trying to find
the sniper have sparked calls, by this page among others, for a
computerized national database of bullet and cartridge-case markings for
all guns sold in the U.S. The potential for solving crimes through such
databases seems breathtaking. But another look at the science involved has
convinced us that first, the government must get an authoritative judgment
on how feasible the project really is. There is no point in setting up a
system that might fail.