“letter of the law.”
Sounds like typical American anti SD whiners: Dear Criminals, Pleeeeeeeaaaasssase stop committing crimes.”
“letter of the law.”
British Police: Stop Committing Crimes, If You Please
It gives new meaning to the term “letter of the law.” A British
police force announced Friday it has come up with a new measure to
combat crime — a polite letter asking persistent offenders to mend
their ways. On Friday morning, 22 men and women in Wiltshire county,
southern England, received personal letters from Inspector Geoff
Miles telling them they have a choice — get back on the straight and
narrow or be targeted by police. The letters were hand delivered to a
group of repeat offenders who have been convicted of offenses
including burglary, violence and drug and alcohol-related crime. “I’m
sure it will come as no surprise to you that, due to your criminal
activity, your name appears on the above data and has highlighted you
as a persistent offender,” said the letters. The letter helpfully
suggests that the offender “make it a priority in any New Year’s
resolutions you make from 2003 onwards, to cease forthwith your
criminal activities.” Wiltshire Police say the program is
experimental, but it will be closely watched by other forces keen to
cut down on time spent pursuing repeat offenders.