[2ampd] Ashcroft Says Bush Gun Program Cuts Crime

March 1st, 2012

[2ampd] Ashcroft Says Bush Gun Program Cuts Crime

Ashcroft Says Bush Gun Program Cuts Crime
U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on Thursday credited the Bush
administration’s program for cracking down on gun violence with
helping to lower murder and violent-crime rates in communities across
the country. Speaking to 1,300 federal, state and local law
enforcement officials at a Justice Department conference in
Philadelphia, Ashcroft said the program called Project Safe
Neighborhoods spawned a 32 percent jump in federal gun prosecutions
last year and a record number of convictions. Meanwhile, the Bush
administration intends to pour more money into the initiative as
federal agents target people who lie on gun license applications and
so-called straw purchasers of firearms who sell quantities to
juveniles and criminals. A new objective will be to coordinate
resources of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms, which joined the Justice Department from the Treasury
Department (news – web sites) last week as part of the government’s
homeland security reorganization. “When we reduce the illegal
possession of guns in this country, we reduce the crimes,” the chief
U.S. law officer told reporters.

The Second Amendment Police Department

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