response from Librarian RE: Bellisiles Book

March 1st, 2012

We’ve received and considered your request. Unfortunately, the SLCC Library
does not have a special collections area for disproven or fraudulent items
where we can place “Arming America” out of the general collection.

With the controversy surrounding it, and now with its relative rarity, the
book will probably be of interest to various people (more scholars and
historians now than pro- or anti-gun advocates)so it is not something we
would chose to discard. However, knowing the history around the book, and
knowing of the errors it contains, we have placed a notice inside the front
cover of the book.

The notice is an article from the Washington Times stating that the book has
been withdrawn from publication, that Bellesiles’ Bancroft Prize was
recalled, that he lost his position at Emory, and that his research for the
book is not credible.

Hopefully this notice will allow causal browsers and readers to understand
what type of book they have picked up, while allowing those who seek it out
to find it. Hopefully its presence may even educate a few more people to
critically evaluate what they read.