Schumer’s ‘surprise’
—– Original Message —–
From: “Neal Knox” <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 1999 6:39 AM
Subject: Schumer’s ‘Surprise’
> Dec. 22 update — Vice President Al Gore is wringing his hands
> Sen. Charles Schumer’s study revealing that most criminals buy their
> guns on the black market or gray market street — not from gun
> shops.
> Every gun rights advocate has made precisely that same point
> for years, for it shows that gun interdiction laws can’t keep the bad
> from obtaining guns. Now that every purchase from a dealer has to go
> the NICS background check system, Schumer et al are saying that the
> only way to choke off the criminals’ supply of guns is to require
> all sales to go through dealers — as if criminals would obey that new
> while evading all the old ones.
> It is already against the law for a criminal to buy a gun, or for
> to sell him a gun, or to sell a gun across state lines, etc., etc.
> Nevertheless, in January Schumer intends to introduce a bill
> private transfers — which would include gifts between family
> members.
> This morning’s Washington Post editorial entitled “The
> Relentless Flow of Guns” whines about Schumer’s “study”
> and blames the (illegal) flow of guns into that gun-prohibited city on
> manufacturers’ “effective marketing techniques.” Ludicrous.
> A recent study by Post reporters showed that the one-handgun per
> month laws in Maryland and Virginia, which the Post supported, has
> made it even tougher to identify “gun traffickers.” Clearly,
> what’s needed, they say, is to “ban the general sale and ownership of
> handguns not just in the District or Maryland or Virginia but in
America as
> a whole.”
> Despite their earlier denials, that’s where the anti-gun crowd
> has always been headed — and not just concerning handguns.
> Handgun Control Inc. says its doesn’t advocate a ban, but don’t
> hold your breath until you see HCI’s denunciation of the Post’s
> editorial.
> ——-
> Ohio’s House Speaker Jo Ann Davidson and Gov. Bob Taft — both
> Republicans — are conferring about how to pass a bill providing
> for a criminal penalty for gunowners who fail to store their guns
> “to keep them away from children.”
> Rep. Jim Jordan, sponsor of a concealed carry licensing bill
> which Davidson blocked earlier this year, says he may offer it as
> an amendment to her “safe storage” bill. Gov. Taft, who campaigned
> in support of a “safe storage” law says he will veto any carry bill
that the
> Fraternal Order of Police opposes — which is any licensed carry law.
> ———
> The Center for Public Integrity, citing FBI documents, says a
> suspected member of a Brooklyn-based Russian crime syndicate has
> made major contributions to both New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani
> ($46,250) and our good friend Sen. Charles Schumer ($8,000).
> –
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