
March 1st, 2012

The message below is a follow-up of the original message the group known
as B.O.N.D. sent out some time back found at:


This is a very pro-gun organization that is essentially condeming the
school shootings in a very appropriate way: the lifestyles of families,
instead of the inanimate object known as a “gun.” Jesse Jackson is their
most recent target.

Few organizations can get away with the alert below, but the founder of
B.O.N.D. is also an African American which is extremely pro-gun. We need
to hold such men in high regard, and support their work.


Rev. Peterson Announces Location/ Speakers for “Repudiation of Jesse Jackson”

Los Angeles – Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (B.O.N.D.) Founder and President Rev.
Jesse Lee Peterson has announced the location for the “National Day of Repudiation of Jesse
Jackson”, which will take place on Monday, January 17th, 2000, the day Dr. Martin Luther King
has his birthday celebrated. The location is the Federal Building in Westwood, California,
11000 Wilshire Blvd. Time is 12 noon till 3 PM.

Ezola Foster, President of Americans for Family Values and Joyce “Rejoice” Smith of Rejoice
Ministries, Houston, TX, have been named as the first two speakers for the event.

“Jesse Jackson is a racist demagogue”, said Rev. Peterson Wednesday. “We will hold this Day of
Repudiation for David Duke in black skin (Jesse Jackson) every year on the Dr. King holiday
until he repents of his ways, and stops attempting to tear the races apart for his own personal
gain”, said Rev. Peterson.

Rev. Peterson said he is “blown away at the support we have received since announcing this
event. People from all across the country have committed to coming and supporting us.” Rev.
Peterson called on “all Americans of goodwill” to come to the rally, support the cause with
donations , sign his Petition to support the “Repudiation”, and stay tuned to his website for
updated announcements.


Patrick Rooney, Director of Public Relations
Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (B.O.N.D.)
P.O. Box 35090
Los Angeles, CA 90035-0090
Voice: (323) 939-2160
Fax: (323) 939-4199
e-mail: [email protected]