March 1st, 2012

From: [email protected] Add to Address Book
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 06:54:39 -0800 (PST)
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WND recommends 2 books — one old, one new

There’s a new terrorist training video just captured in Afghanistan that
shows al-Qaida practicing attacks on schools.

Other training videos show the terrorists attacking office buildings,
malls and other public places. In some countries, they have even attacked

What do all these places have in common in America today? They are among
the most disarmed locations in our society.

There are two indispensable books on the subject of guns and terrorism –
one old and one brand new.

The new one is just coming out on the WND Books label but it’s by someone
you will know — NRA executive Wayne LaPierre. NRA leader’s new title is
next best seller from WND Books

Some people suggest the threat of terrorism is a reason to restrict
further access to firearms.

In his upcoming release, National Rifle Association Executive Vice
President Wayne LaPierre. It’s called “Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism,” and it shows
us why with the current terrorist threat, armed vigilance by law-abiding
citizenry is the best defense — and the best offense.

“Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism” is a fact-filled volume that tackles a
number of subjects surrounding gun rights, including: arming airline pilots,
animal rights extremism, media bias, gun-show prohibition, self-defense, and
others. Its convincing arguments will cause even the most adamant
gun-control supporter to consider the values our forefathers fought to protect ??
liberty, self-government and justice.

Wayne LaPierre is the best-selling author of “Guns, Crime, and Freedom,”
“Standing Guard,” and “Shooting Straight.” His last book sold nearly 1
million copies.

Pre-order Wayne LaPierre’s “Guns, Freedom and Terrorism.”

Then, there’s a classic only available in the United States through
WorldNetDaily’s online store. It’s called “Shooting Back.”

Are you interested in the scriptural case for self-defense?

Grenades were exploding in flashes of light. Pews were shattering under
the blasts, sending splinters flying through the air. An automatic rifle was
being fired and ripping worshippers to pieces.

Most people in America don’t think of carrying a gun to church.
Fortunately, South African Charl van Wyck did in 1993. He was there during the St.
James Massacre — when terrorists stormed his church.

Instinctively, he knelt down behind a bench and pulled out his .38 –
taking down some attackers and sending them fleeing before they could kill and
maim even more.

He tells the compelling story in “Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of
Self-Defense” — using the Bible to explain why Christians are commanded to
protect themselves and their families from such onslaughts.

WorldNetDaily has purchased thousands of copies of this book, published
only in South Africa, for exclusive distribution in the United States and
throughout the world.