It’s Right At Our Back Door
I have a good friend who lives up in Toranto Canada.
Recently The Citizens of Canada have been totaly stripped of their rights to firearms. He sent me an E-Mail a few weeks ago and this is what he had to say.
This Legislation stated that ALL owners of Firearms who possess ONLY Rifles & Shotguns for the sole purpose of Hunting, must Register their weapons at a cost of about $30.
If you apply to pucrhase a long gun up here, there is a 6-8 week waiting period…NO EXCEPTIONS, and your record are checked very carefully. If you put down on the Form you want the gun for protectionyou will NOT get it, and would probably be investigated and harassed and watched by the police forever
There are NO handguns allowed in Canada to be owned by private citizens. There are also no exotic guns of any kind allowed as well. This includes semi auto “assault” type arms such as AK-47 MAC-10 OR H&K-91 EXC… and no sawed off’s such as Coachguns , Mossberg crusers exc…..
local Police departments have offered an amnesty program for those possessing any un-registered or illegal weapons in any Canadian provence.
Turn them into your local police station… charges will be filed, and you receive a pair of Tickets to a Pro sporting event.
All these weapons ARE then destroyed , if your found to be in possession of any firearm deamed to be dangerous or illegal you will be put under the jail.
Ladies and Gentelmen this is happening right to the north of us and it should be our wake up call. If it happened there it can happen here.