Firearms Tactical Institute An electronic magazine specializing in the tactical employment of firearms against deadly threats. Excellent Site but a bit detailed for the novice.
Includes the 5 Rules for Concealed Carry:
1. Use your concealed handgun for protection of life ONLY.
2. Know exactly when you can use your gun.
A criminal adversary must have, or reasonably appear to have: 1. the ability to inflict serious bodily injury (he is armed or reasonably appears to be armed with a deadly weapon), AND 2.the opportunity to inflict serious bodily harm (he is physically positioned to harm you with his weapon), AND 3. intent (hostile actions or words) indicates that he means to place you in jeopardy — to do you serious or fatal physical harm.
Check out the laws in your local community!
3. If you can run away — RUN!
4. Display your gun, go directly to jail.
It doesn?t have to be intentional, the butt may stick out or your jacket catch and there is a brief birds eye view of your gun. Don?t let it happen. You can expect to be arrested and charged if your concealed gun is visible to the public.
There is no way to control how a stranger will react to seeing or even learning about your concealed handgun. Some may even embellish the story and get you in deep trouble.
Make sure your gun is concealed at all times no matter what the circumstance. If you lift your arms, and your jacket hikes up, your gun should not be visible. Before you ever draw in public, the one question that must be answered in your own mind is whether drawing the gun is worth going to jail. If the answer is yes then that is because someone has both the ability and intent and is actively seeking to hurt you badly.
5. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.