Happy New Year to New California Criminals
From calnraA California NRA Members’ Council
Morality and the Coming Wave of Civil Disobedience
William Lolli
CalNRA Contributing Editor
January 1, 2000
Editors Note: The below is a warning to those who believe that unjust laws can coexist with a morally free people. A truly free people will endeavor to remain so, actively resisting the legal yet immoral and burdensome laws that are imposed upon them by an over-regulating government.
Law versus moral conscience.
Throughout the year 1999, in newspapers, on television, and on radio, California gun owners have been admonished repeated by the Attorney General of California to submit to the law. Gun owners have been ordered to turn in their now-illegal SKS rifles, turn in and destroy their now-illegal [yet legally registered] “assault” rifles, and comply in various ways to the disposition and dispossession of what was once their property and birthright as Americans and as non-slaves.
Starting in 2000 California gun owners will be admonished repeatedly again by the Attorney General of California to submit to the new SB23 law: to register, destroy, or dispossess themselves of all possible forms of weaponry that now fall under the new interpretation of an “assault” weapon.
If 1999′s SKS-response from California gun owners is a harbinger of 2000′s response to the State’s desire for willing obedience, it appears that the government of California will be in for a shock.
The fact is that CA SKS owners have en masse, categorically disregarded the offers of the state to remove their liberty. Can you believe that? Such arrogance. Who do these gun owners think they are, refusing to obey the power of the state?
After all, these laws were passed legally, through due process, by elected representatives whom the People had authorized and empowered to govern. Who are these brazen troublemakers?
Do they not know that slavery is now legal, and they are standing in the way of a more peaceful, more controlled society?
Yes, I submit to you, they do indeed know.
These facts are baffling to liberal, socialist thinkers. They do not understand why the common, typically law-abiding citizen would not freely and agreeably free themselves of these societal menaces.
What propels a person who has an expressed love of country, community, and family to deliberately defy the law; risking prosecution, liberty, and becoming a criminal?
The answer, my dear liberal friends, is that your desire to “free” us all from the instruments that you perceive as the means of our societal culture of violence are instead the very instruments that maintain our very freedom from slavery.
Oh, pish-posh, the liberals say. Slavery was abolished years ago. What archaic thinking!
Archaic, yes. But true. At the very core of our rights as human beings, illuminated by the Bill of Rights, is the right to freedom from tyranny through self-defense in arms.
Think what you will about the philosophical issues and arguments. The bottom line is this:
No free person will ever willingly give up the means of keeping that freedom.
Come January 1, 2001, there will be thousands upon thousands of California citizens who will have said “No” to slavery and “No” to the dispossession of their inheritance as free Americans. They will say “No” to registration, and “No” to confiscation.
There will be a moral rage against the tyranny of utopia-minded, liberal totalitarians, and a resistance that runs so deep as to push former lovers of the law over the precipice, and into complete civil disobedience.