Pink Pistols to file papers with the US Supreme Court

March 1st, 2012

Pink Pistols to file papers with the US Supreme Court

It’s time for me to do something I’ve sworn I’d never do. Ask for money. There is a court case that has gone through the Appelate courts — the Silveracase that is going to go in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Pink Pistolsare filing a Cert brief on this case, urging the US Supreme Court to hear it.This case is about the assault weapons ban in California. Before the Supremescan rule on this issue they will need to rule on a number of other basic pointsincluding: Does the 2nd Amendment apply to individuals? Does the 14thAmendment apply to the 2nd Amendment? (IE: Can states legally restrict whatyou can own? Are the 2nd Amendment rights part of the 14th’s protectedprotectcted privileges and immunities of citizens?) In short, such a rulinghas the potential to eliminate most of the harassment, fines, criminal charges,imprisonment, and killing of citizens that we have too long endured under theguise of ??oreasonable gun control???.We already have a lawyer who will be filing for us. What we need the money foris to cover the costs of printing, binding, and mailing of 40 copies of thisdocument to the SCOTUS. Right now, the expected cost is $500. If we succeedand the SCOTUS hears this case, there will be another filing costing us another$500.Citizens of America <>; has agreed to handle thefinances for us. This means we don’t need to change our legal structure — nopaperwork for any of us to file with the FEC, IRS, or anyone else.But to do this, we do need your support. Please donate $100 if you can. Or$50. Even a donation of just $20 will bring us closer to our goal. Any funds raised in surplus of the $500 goal will be saved for future legal costs of thiscase. If we are fortunate enough to raise more than $1000, surplus funds will be used to pay for other legal fees as needed.Additional information on this court case is available at:<>When you donate, we need to flag the monies for the Pink Pistols. So fill outthe amount and your address information as you normally would. On the secondscreen, there will be a place to enter “Customer Shipping Information (ifdifferent from above)”. In this field, please enter “Pink Pistols”. That waywe will know which funds are to be used for this project.To donate, please go to: <>And remember, this is a case that could overturn many, if not most, of theunconstitutional firearm restrictions that are currently on the books. Yourdonations are needed, so that we can file on this case to help convince theSCOTUS that this is an issue that needs to be addressed.Thank you.Doug Krickfounder, Pink Pistols

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally
superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.

“Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum
est” (“A sword is never a killer, it’s a tool in the killer’s hands”)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca “the younger” ca. (4 BC – 65 AD)

Women must not depend upon the protection of
man, but must be taught to
protect herself.
- Susan B. Anthony, July 1871

“[Those] who are trying to read the Second Amendment
out of the Constitution by claiming it’s not an individual right [are] courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate
portions of the Constitution they don’t like.”
- Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School