ALERT: Australians destroy collectibles; Philippines outlaws defense
America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
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July 31, 2003
ALERT: Australians destroy collectibles; Philippines outlaws defense
Exclusively for JPFO members and supporters — the advance copy
of the article to be appear in the September 15 issue of Shotgun
News. Click on the references to learn more.
Common Sense
Registering Collectibles and Confiscating Defense Guns: Summer
By Richard W. Stevens
Editor, The Bill of Rights Sentinel
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
“Gun collectors don’t need to worry about ‘gun control.’ Why
would anybody want to register or take away a pre-1900 antique
Gun Control Australia’s president John Crook answered: “The
public has every reason to want as strict a control as possible
over every gun.” A law taking effect in Australia on July 31,
2003, requires that nearly all collectible handguns must be
registered and their owners licensed.
To get a collector’s license under the law, the Australian gun
owners must be photographed and fingerprinted. Owners must also
now install doors and safes in rooms where such handguns are
stored. It doesn’t matter what kind of handgun it is, or whether
it can be fired, or if the collector would ever fire it.
That isn’t all. A national handgun buyback scheme, funded with
$118 million, aims to obtain historic firearms from private
owners … and then destroy the guns. Some of these antique
firearms are valued up to $250,000. The spokesman for the
Police Minister explained, “The object of the national handgun
buyback is to ensure that handguns don’t make their way onto
the streets.” Even guns that can’t be fired.
Compromise Means Defeat
Apparently the Historic Arms Collecting Council of Australasia
chose a path of “compromise” that failed miserably. Gordon
Morgan, president of the Council, reportedly stated that the
Council supports “gun control” laws affecting concealable
weapons. The Council only objects to categorizing antique
weapons that way. “We don’t shoot these guns,” said Morgan.
“We’re custodians of our heritage.”
Who won in Australia: the compromising, “reasonable gun
control” Council? Or the no-compromise, maximum gun control
Next time someone says that gun collectors don’t have a dog in
the “gun control” fight — tell him or her about Australia, July
31, 2003.
Canceling Self-Defense
Meanwhile, recent news from the Philippines confirms the fact
that registration is the prelude to confiscation. The
Philippine Interior Department had issued thousands of carry
permits to citizens who showed a professional or self-protection
need. These permits cost $131 (US) — a very substantial sum in
that nation. Now, by order of the Philippine President, all of
these permits are cancelled.
Under Philippine law, most citizens may own only two firearms:
one shotgun or .22 caliber rifle, and one handgun. Getting a
license for each gun requires proof of employment, approval from
police officials, mayors and courts, passing drug and
psychiatric tests, and paying fees. Buying a firearm involves
more approvals and fees. Owners need the carry permit if they
want to transport a gun outside the home.
By canceling the carry permits nationwide, the government has
placed gun owners in a no-win, defenseless position. If a
person is caught with a firearm outside of the home, he or she
faces prosecution and/or confiscation of the firearm.
The Filipino people have no Second Amendment legal protection of
their right to own and possess firearms. A pro-gun lawyer
nevertheless filed a lawsuit challenging the government’s order,
explaining that Filipinos “have the right to carry arms because
it is intertwined to our rights to protect life, especially here
in the Philippines where we all know that the police cannot
protect the citizens.”
Of course, canceling the carry permits for law-abiding citizens
does nothing to make them safer. The gun prohibition laws don’t
affect the communist New People’s Army, the Moro Islamic
Liberation Front, or the various rebels and bandit gangs in
rural areas. Extortion and kidnapping for ransom occur
regularly in the Philippines. Carrying a firearm, especially in
remote areas, is the only defense that citizens have against the
Nando Pacheco, president of the Filipino anti-self defense group
called the Gun-less Society, still calls for “progressive
disarmament.” Pacheco recently both lied and grievously insulted
his countrymen terribly by saying: “You know the Filipinos: even
just with traffic problems, there will be gun battles.”
(Would Pacheco speak so flippantly at the funeral for a disarmed
young mother murdered by bandits in a rural village? “You know
the Filipinos, killing women …”)
No matter how restrictive the gun laws, the anti-self defense
lobbyists never stop pushing for more “gun control.”
Collectible guns are fair game. The right to self-defense can
be gutted. There can never be enough “gun control” laws until
all private gun ownership is eliminated.
To learn more — to help roll back “gun control” — join JPFO
today (still only $20 annual dues). Preview the dozens of
resources available for gun owners at the website: Don’t wait until the Australian and
Philippine laws invade the U.S.A.
[NOTE: All links are to a site that will redirect you to the
correct long URL]
David Rood, Firearms fixed in Government’s sights, (July 29,2003)
Anthony Vargas and Jonathan Vicente, PNP: No exemption to gun
ban, (February 4, 2003)
Philippine weapons owners stick to their guns despite calls to
disarm, Agence France Presse (July 6, 2003)
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