I have dedicated to exposing the truth behind Bowling.

March 1st, 2012

—– Original Message —–
From: Richardland
To: wagc
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Bowling For Truth

My name is Richard Bushnell and I’m writing you hoping that you will help me spread the truth about ficticious film maker Michael Moore.

As I am sure you know, the far left wing, anti-gun, republican hating, Bush bashing film makers ‘documentary’ Bowling For Columbine is riddled with untruths, spin, distortion and demonization. What I found most apauling was the unjustified assault on NRA President Charlton Heston.

I don’t know if you have seen the ‘film’ or not, but I do invite you to my brand new website I have dedicated to exposing the truth behind Bowling.

www.bowlingfortruth.com details scene by scene, in some cases shot for shot and line by line how Michael Moore pursuades his viewers by decieving them. The information on this site should be essential to every conservatives intelectual arsenal.

Although I have injected a lot of money into the building of this site, I have no advertising on it and it remains completely non-profit. I also have no budget for advertising, so am hoping that you will help spread the word and spread the truth.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or comments.

Richard Bushnell