Just The FACTS Ma’am………. rebutting MMM IN MN

March 1st, 2012

Fact number 1: The state estimates that there will be 90,000 permits with in a few years. Not 900,000. I would be happy if it was 900,000, but only 90,000 are excepted. It kind of convenient that that extra zero got stuck in there….

Fact number 2: The only reason that there are no more than 11 or 12 thousand permits right now is because the liberal chiefs in the Twin Cities have abused the may-issue system and kept the number of permits artificially low by refusing to issue to any except a select few. THAT is why there will such a huge increase, not any purported “loosening” of carry laws (the new law is actually stricter than the old may-issue law).
I was going to apply in Minneapolis, but the lady at the desk told me that the chief wouldn’t issue unless you were LEO/security or had documented threats against you. Cuz all good criminals announce their intentions before hand…

Fact 3:

“The group is particularly angry about the bill’s passage because there was little public support for it. “There was massive public outcry against this bill — no one was behind it,” said Jose Gonzalez, a program manager at the Bush Foundation and a member of Twin Cities Million Moms. “The Minnesota state legislators couldn’t pass it through a legislative vote, so it went through other methods or, quite clearly, the legislators voted against their constituency.”


This statement just chaps my () … For those of you who don’t live in MN, here is what actually happened. The Minnesota Personal Protection Act (MPPA, the carry bill) passed the House of Representatives, as it has done for the past couple legislative sessions. Gov. Pawlenty promised to sign it and had been a major supporter during his time in the House, so he was in the bag. The sticking point was the liberal-controlled Senate. The Senate Democrats knew that there was support for the MPPA, so they refused to bring it to the floor for a straight up or down vote. So the House used a parlimentary manuever that allowed them to attach the MPPA to the House version of a bill the Senate had already passed. This forced the Senate to reconsider this bill (a minor bill regarding the Department of Natural Resources) with the attachment of the MPPA. Essentially forcing the MPPA to a floor vote. Which it passed…37-30, I believe. The Republicans did use “other methods”, but they were perfectly legal and all they did was force the Democrats to allow a vote on legislation that was overwhelmingly supported by the House.

This article is a best misinformed and at worst flat out lying. But the best antidote to both is the accurate truth.

Minn. Million Moms Aim to Repeal Concealed-Carry Bill

The Twin Cities Million Moms have begun an effort to repeal Minnesota’s
recently passed concealed-carry gun bill, the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
reported Sept. 17.

“We just think that this law is devastating,” said Kate Havelin, community
outreach chair for the Twin Cities Million Moms. “The bill is called
‘conceal and carry,’ but you don’t have to conceal the gun. The state
estimates that in three years there will be 900,000 total people who have
guns in Minnesota because of the bill. And right now there are about

The group is particularly angry about the bill’s passage because there was
little public support for it. “There was massive public outcry against
this bill — no one was behind it,” said Jose Gonzalez, a program manager
at the Bush Foundation and a member of Twin Cities Million Moms. “The
Minnesota state legislators couldn’t pass it through a legislative vote,
so it went through other methods or, quite clearly, the legislators voted
against their constituency.”

Million Moms members plan to lobby the legislature to repeal the bill.
They will be supported by Citizens for a Safer Minnesota. The latter
group, which is distributing a petition to repeal the bill, expects to
present lawmakers with a list of 5,000 to 6,000 names before the start of
the next session.

Activist Matt Little, a Million Mom participant, blames the power of the
National Rifle Association (NRA) for passage of the gun bill.

“Without all their high-powered lobbyists that they bring in every year,
we’d have a good chance to do something,” said Little. “We had legislation
passed to require safety locks on guns. And the NRA brought heavy hitters
to fight that, and they spent several hundreds of thousands of dollars to
fight that bill — to fight that innocuous bill. They are tremendously
resourceful and got plenty of money. That’s our major enemy — we can’t
match them in any way. Without the NRA, there would be no
conceal-and-carry bill.”

BTW: Who do the idiots at JTO think the NRA is? Some group of supereeevilvillians that hang out in the LegionHall of Doom in D.C. and play cards? Yep, that bill wasn’t passed because of the hard work of civil rights activists. Nooooo, it was the eeeevil NRA using their Jedi mind control and assault lobbyists.