Gun control in Sweden works?
Gun control in Sweden works?
New Interpol international crime statistics revealed, rather surprisingly, that Sweden, our laid-back, neutral, furniture-loving neighbour, where slapping a child is a criminal offence, tops the European crime league in murder, serious assaults and robberies, and even surpasses the USA in violent crime. The murder rate in Sweden is three times as high as Denmark, four times as high as Norway, and twice as high as in the USA. In addition, Sweden has twice as many sex crimes and robberies as this country and 25 times as many violent assaults. A Swedish National Crime Agency criminologist dismissed the Interpol figures as ‘exaggerated.’ ‘They claim that there were 900 murders here in 2001, but that also included suicides which have somehow ended up in the murder column. To say we have a higher murder rate than the USA is ridiculous,’ he said.