Brady Bunch acts a fool and NRA responds
Amen, NRA! It’s the typical laft wing hypocrisy. There hinch men can cal jus “hatye groups, but let us call them what they are – GUNGRABBERS – and the whine – boo hoo hoo ! Get over Brady Buinch, you are what you are!
And we have a RIGHT NOT to patronize anti gun establismnets or individuals. Keep up the good work NRA !
For decades, NRA has tracked, researched, and documented the positions taken by organizations and celebrities on issues affecting our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. This information has been periodically published in our magazines, disseminated to literally hundreds of thousands of interested parties upon request, and posted on our website for as long as it has existed. It is nothing more than a catalogue of groups and individuals who have lent their support, activism, and in many cases, their money, to anti-gun causes. In short, those listed have gone out of their ways to lend their active support for restrictions on our Second Amendment Rights.
In any event, NRA`s decades-old list was recently “discovered” by a sharp-eyed New York Times columnist, who penned a rather inane column about it. His scribbling just happened to coincide with a desperate fundraising gambit from the Brady gun-ban group. The Brady bunch has thrown together an anti-NRA website, which attempts to bash NRA as “blacklisters” for exposing the anti-gun leanings of such mainstream Americans as Madonna, Britney Spears, and Alec Baldwin, to name but a few. NRA members and gun owners want to make conscientious and informed decisions. They want to know whether the hard-earned dollars they spend are benefitting companies or individuals working against their constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights. The compilation of this list provides that information to pro-gun individuals so they can choose for themselves if they wish to patronize those on the list. Nothing more, nothing less.
Nonetheless, if it is okay for gun banners such as Michael Moore, Martin Sheen, and Rosie O`Donnell to use their celebrity and influence to speak out against our rights, why is it not okay for NRA to alert the nation`s 65 million gun owners of their positions? The same goes for corporations that actively support the gun ban lobby`s agenda. If those listed are so embarrassed or ashamed about NRA documenting their anti-freedom position, perhaps they should reconsider their positions. When an individual or company stakes out a position or gives money to an anti-gun cause, you can rest assured NRA will continue to inform its members and supporters so they can render judgement themselves.