A Point to Be Made
Pardon me if this has been mentioned already, but an incident reported a piece back cites a guy who went on a rampage in a supermarket with a Samarai sword and killed two people and slashed three others.
First off it goes without saying that the bullet is faster than the sword, second it is a matter of curiosity why the ban dinglberries have not cried out for a ban of swords, now that a single incident is recorded.
I guess I be a bad boy then because I have a ninja sword, two antiques from battlefields and a cavalry saber John Wayne used (hey they dont have to be real. If you can outlaw cap guns, squeeze guns and bent sticks, why not replica movie swords??).
On another note it’s sad to realize that the child killing issue becomes a revolving trend. I recall three killings in a row, then no killing for a while, then some more, and so it goes. It really bugs me because they like to use “stress” and depression for excuses for these monster evils. Who among us has no stress? I’ve been down the depression road. No casualties. Any excuse will do, just like the old “sure he killed this peson and that person but his parents did this and that and screwed him up!” Sometimes it’s true, many times it’s just a lame excuse not to take responsibility.